As bodily changes occur and the need to depend on others for help increases, many people have concerns about not contributing to the family in their usual way and worry about being a burden. This can also be a time when people question what their lives have truly meant and experience a range of spiritual questions. Regrets about things one did as well as things left undone can create a sense of guilt and remorse. Sometimes people feel that they are very alone, that no one could possibly understand what they are going through. This can also be a time for inner growth and reaching a sense of profound peace. As individuals review their lives, they may gain insight about themselves and an understanding about some of the events and relationships they experienced. Not everyone will experience all of these feelings, but they are all natural and it is helpful to talk about them. Various professionals—nurses, social workers, chaplains and psychologists—can be of assistance in listening, helping you with choices and assisting you in organizing any additional help you might wish. Some people find it helpful to talk with their close friends or family. Some will turn to their rabbi, minister or priest. As difficult as these feelings are to face and to talk about, they do not go away if they are ignored. Finding a comfortable way to acknowledge and express them will be helpful. While some people will talk to another person, others will write in a diary, paint a picture, write a poem or compose a song. Others may find solace in listening to music, reading or meditation. Feelings can be expressed in many ways. What is useful to one person may not be helpful to another. Each of us needs to find the way that works best for us.